The 2020 Intermediate Teacher Trainings : Thailand March 1 – March, 2020

I am so happy to announce the first Intermediate Teacher Training in Thailand. In March of 2020, I will be hosting in partnership with Evolation Yoga in an 8 day Intermediate Teacher Training Techniques Module. I will be teaching Intermediate classes in the Ghosh / Bikram Lineages. This will be based on sequences that I have had the honor of teaching in for 7 years.

It has been many years in the making and today I have 4 different sequences that will included postures from the 84 Classic Yoga Āsanas as taught in the Bikram and Ghosh Lineages, with my own twist including PNF techniques to develop the postures.

Intermediate Teacher Trainings Techniques Overview

Why have an intermediate class? The main purpose of introducing the Intermediate series to a yoga school is to allow the students an opportunity to progress in an Āsana Practice, and in the 8 limbs of Yoga. The “Beginner’s series” that we all know from Bikram’s Transmission of Ghosh Yoga is already considered a complete practice. In the same tradition we also have the 84 postures that are know as the Advanced Class. For many students there is a very big step between the advanced sequence and the beginner’s sequence. The Intermediate Class is meant to bridge this gap. Additionally the spirit in which I am teaching the Intermediate class is to introduce other stretches that can help the student progress towards a deeper āsana practice both physically and mentally.

As I mentioned the beginner class is considered to be a complete practice for maintaining good physical condition, it is however lacking is some aspects: for example, hip openers and arm strengthening postures are Therefore I have added additional postures, with more time to practice them than in a traditionally lead advanced class. I am also including others postures and techniques to help the progress.

In an intermediate practice there are many different possible ways to introduce new postures that are in the 84 Classical Āsana as taught in the Bishnu Ghosh community Class from his lineage, and I have tried to select some of the more basic ones that mosts advanced beginners are able to approach. It includes deeper backbends, some arm strengthening & balancing, hip openers that are not in the 26+2 sequence, yet all while to aligning with the sequencing of the  84 Āsanas class.  Since it is a more intermediate practice, it is expected that the students to have a basic understanding of the 26+2 class and help develop more self awareness about the postures and the movements in the scope of their current physical condition.

Keeping in mind an advanced practice is advanced awareness.

This is an 8 day intensive program.

Daily Sample Schedule

07:00 — 08:00 Prāāyāma and Meditation 
08:00 — 09:30 Morning Class
09:30 — 10:00 Break
10:00 — 12:00 Posture Mechanics / Teaching Session
12:00 — 13:30 Lunch
13:30 — 16:00  Posture Mechanics / Teaching Session
16:00 — 17:40 Intermediate Class 
17:30 — 19:00 Dinner
19:00 — 20:30 Satsang (Lecture)

9.5  hours a day ( 7 full days and one1/2 day)
70  total contact hours.  

The Sequences 

Sequence 1 (The Tiger) – With Tiger Pose

Sequence 2  (The Wheel) – With Wheel pose

You can apply directly with the Evolation Teacher Training + Tiger Brand Yoga Intermediate Techniques

Request more information


Yoga History and Philosophy

  • History, philosophy and evolution of yoga
  • Practical (and tangible) yoga philosophy
  • Eight Limb Path of Yoga
  • Bhagavad-Gita
  • The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
  • Teachings and lineage of Paramhansa Yogananda and Bikram Choudhury

The Art of Teaching

  • Teaching clinics
  • How to address a group of students
  • How to use your own body as a teaching tool
  • How to use your voice, volume, tempo, and pacing
  • How to correct postures
  • Choosing the right words
  • Energy, passion, confidence, humor
  • Using your own presence and Self-awareness as a transformative teaching tool


  • What meditation is and why it’s practiced
  • Meditation techniques
  • Silencing the mind for deeper levels of awareness
  • Establishing a connection with nature and the world you live in
  • Connecting with the true Self

Asanas (Postures)

  • Daily classes
  • Posture mechanics
  • Knowledge of asanas
  • Foundational yogic anatomy & physiology
  • Subtle Anatomy & Chakric System
  • Alignment & how to avoid injuries
  • Modifications & adjustments
  • Medical benefits
  • How to read bodies
  • Balance between body, mind and breath
  • Sequencing

Pranayama (Breathing)

  • The use of breath as a transformative tool for Self-awareness
  • Breath control
  • Different breathing techniques
  • Exploration of benefits

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